In the flesh?

you can call me venus! i didn't name myself after the planet, but considering i'm a sci-fi addict, i might as well have anyways.
i'm an adult, and one of those unemployed friends at 2pm on a wednesday. i get a little bit weird with it gender wise, but generally i would label myself as a gay nonbinary man for convenience's sake.
i'm one of those insane australians people are always talking about, and is where i assume my fondness for weird bugs comes from. i've liked those weird little freaks since i was an infant and recently it's come back at full force.
i have a bunch of mental disorders that i won't list out for strangers on the internet but just know they affect nearly every single thing on this site. if you psychoanalyse me enough you might be able to pinpoint exactly which ones i have. i will say though that i do have autism, if that wasn't obvious yet.
i've been drawing pretty much my whole life, but i think i'm going to keep it as a hobby. i really don't see myself working in the animation / art industry in the future, especially right now, with how dire everything is.
whenever i'm not doing anything productive [which is. most of the time i'll be honest] you can find me putting in 200+ hours into games i don't even really like, rewatching the same 3 shows and movies over and over, and listening to music nobody gives a shit about. this one goes out to riley greer.
i am, unfortunately, still very active on social media sites, especially twitter. i mostly use these to post my art and keep up to date with my friends, but i also have a lot of thoughts that need to go somewhere lest i get dipped in the oil boiler. today i am excited about escaping the Torture Labyrinth
i'm currently deeply obsessed with the adult swim show, the venture bros. it's my favourite show of all time, and you'll be seeing it on this site a lot, especially in my art. it's not the only thing i talk about/draw fanart for at the moment, but god does this show take up a whole lot of brain capacity. if you get it you get it.

^look at my weird bugs ok?
TV shows + films: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Dr Strangelove: Or How I learned to stop worrying and Love The Bomb, Trigun, The Venture Bros, Saw (2003), Electric Dreams (1984), Moon (2009), Black Christmas (1974), True Stories (1986), The Wall (1979), Stop Making Sense, The Cornetto Trilogy
Video Games: Fallout [Especially New Vegas], Portal, TF2, Half Life, Pokemon, Metal Gear Solid, Xenoblade Chronicles, Splatoon, ULTRAKILL, Will You Snail?
Music: Talking Heads, Pink Floyd, Depeche mode, Rinse & Repeat, My Chemical Romance, Wall of Voodoo, Tears for Fears, XTC, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, MGMT, Wham!, Ween, Pet Shop Boys, Duran Duran, New Order, Nine Inch Nails, Brian Eno, Bjork, Feist, Gary Numan, DEVO, Stevie Dinner, Riley Greer, AJJ, The Cure, They Might Be Giants, King Crimson
Misc: Philosophy, Lepidoptera, Internet/Fandom culture, Spirals, Tumblr Sexymen, Retrofuturism, Komaedalovemail
