> Entry: 11/10/23
2001: A Space Odyssey hysteria incident update
When I said that i'd be thinking about that movie for years to come last month, I did not expect at all for it to hit this fucking hard. Oh my god. Shouldn't be too surprised considering my love for AI but you know how it is.
Finally got around to watching/reading the sequels to 2001, and they are so insanely good that I am so sure have forever changed my brain chemistry. Especially 2010: The Year We Make Contact. I am so sure that was the movie/book that hit the nail in the coffin for space odyssey becoming something id be thinking about nonstop.
Kind of shocked I managed to skim through 4 books within a week after not having read a single book in...over a year? probably? not sure. It's been a good while thats for sure. It's even crazier to me how much information about the story of space odyssey that remains in my brain after consuming each book in such a quick succession without any real time to process it all. I guess thats just autism for ya.
I don't think i've ever had a media take such a toll on me in a long time, not even joking here it's affecting me physically and gives me a sort of ache in my heart if I think about it too much. I'm assuming this is also my autism going haywire but the fact I don't recall this ever happening with another media [including portal, if you can believe it] has me scratching my head.
Guess it's David Bowman and HAL9000's turn to utterly rot my brain. I'm not complaining one bit, they are excellently written characters and I love them both so fucking much. I am also incredibly invested in their dynamic and relationship with each other. Shout out to one of the most iconic examples of doomed yaoi ever. I have so many thoughts on them that I just cannot get out on paper no matter how hard I try, It's kind of annoying because I have such an strong itch to scratch when it comes to Dave and Hal.
Despite this, I've still managed to be quite vocal about all of this pretty much everywhere, and everyone who I frequently talk to knows I have some sort of disease when It comes to this series despite It growing on me in such a small amount of time.
I think, secretly, I've always wanted this to happen. I've always wanted to fall in love with something I know I'd absolutely adore. And when I first watched 2001 back in 2022 I was rather dissapointed that It didn't leave too much of an impact on me. Guys I don't think he knew. I am sincerely so glad I decided to go to that imax screening of the film back in september, I was honestly hesitating on it since I had already seen it once, but then I rememebered that I never fully finished the film, and that settled the deal.
I also ended up making two gifs based on scenes that make me tear my hair out from 2010, they come with captions, too, since I love analysing and annotating things.

This gif depicts Dr. Chandra, one of the characters in 2010: The Year We Make Contact, gently tapping on Hal's fisheye lense after reactivating him.

This gif depicts David Bowman walking towards HAL9000. He places his hand on the unit that the AI is attached to, and leans forward while reaching his hand out towards one of Hal's red fisheye lenses, almost like if he's about to caress him.
I forgot how fun it is to make gifs honestly, I might make more like these in the future whenever I am utterly deranged about a piece of media as much as the space odyssey series.
Also, before I go, I'd like to wish a happy [albeit late] birthday to Valve's orange box, and the first Fallout game! kind of funny how so many games out of my favourite franchises of all time came out on the same day huh.