> Entry: 5/04/24
Pokemon Legends: Arceus "replay" screenshot archive + thoughts.
Easter break started a couple of days ago for me, and you know what one of the best things to do is during this time? that's right, do nothing but lose yourself completely in video games until you've realized how badly you've fucked your sleep schedule up in a matter of days.
Anyways, that's exactly what i've been doing lately, and my game of choice just happened to be Pokemon Legends Arceus. I originally started playing it near the end of 2022, after giving in to my good friend's pestering [affectionate], but never fully beat the game. Originally, I was just going to pick up on my original save and continue from there, but it had been such a long time since I touched the game that I figured I might as well just restart it, as I had also forgotten most of what happened as well, oops.
i'm honestly glad I put off so long on beating the game, because I feel like it wouldn't have had as much of an impact on me as it is having right now. Specifically with it's character Volo. I've always liked Volo ever since my friend introduced him to me, but now that I've properly met him for myself, and truly know all there is to him, I feel like I've been hit full force with a truck. Oh my god.
As someone who is absolutely crazy about motifs and themes in music due to my knowledge of music theory, Volo's lore being intertwined with various tracks in PLA's soundtrack was an absolute treat, despite how much psychic damage it dealt me whenever I noticed even the slight change in key within certain tracks.

^Exhibit A
I also just really enjoy Volo's character in general, and I can greatly empathise with him. His goal to create a new world due to his experience with his current one being incredibly traumitizing for him is honestly quite understandable, even if it meant erasing everything and everyone. His boss battle at the end of the game too? Godddd I could talk about that for hourssss.
While I never played Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and never got to experience Cynthia, the fight still dealt crazy damage to me. The music, the fact Volo breaks the fourth wall multiple times, the way this battle completely breaks the general mechanics of any and all Pokemon Games, all of these factors tie into making the ending of this game absolutely spectacular. The "You Finally beat Giratina!" Notification at the end really sealed the deal, because this was certainly no pushover.
You as the player being forced to fight Volo's team, containing 6 Pokemon, while having to manage healing and reviving your own due to the lingering presence of Giratina, and knowing you'll have to prepare for that within battle rather than being given a break to heal up after you beat Volo's main team is sure to get your adrenaline pumping. It is also likely to make you really mad after Volo kicks your ass for the 12th time.
Luckily for me, it only took me around 6 times to beat Volo, but even with that I had to fuck off and do extra tasks in order to be properly prepared to face him again, which was a bit of an inconvenience. Guy who hates grinding in video games voice.
I've been a pretty big Pokemon fan nearly my whole life, so it's really no surprise that me getting back into it has had quite the impact on me these past few days. I so vividly remember playing Pokemon Y back in 2014 on my 3ds, and unknowingly changing my life forever.
I miiiight update this if I get more thoughts on this game because it's [checks watch] 4am for me right now, but anways, onwards with the aforemented screenshots of this game.

Volo is 5 pixels here

Oh my goodness. Everyone love baby egg.

insert joke of me and ingo both being gay and autistic here


go there. go in the dark

me hanging out with a togepi of my own. shes soooooooo cute

Hey. This is really funny because I have not once bought something from Volo [I do at some point, but before then you could not actually buy anything from him]. All in his mind?

Speaking of him selling stuff, he very literally does not do his job half the time just in general. tag a bloke who does fuckall. Here's him straight up admitting it, too.

He's like the joker for people who like blonde dudes

sparkle off! it's thursday! forget yourself!

volo kubrick stare.png

volo in the beginning of pla: SQUEEEEEEE OMG RUINS ARE SO COOL!!! (and i HATE arceus for not answering my prayers!!!!!!)
volo in the end: okay giratina, now hit the second tower
[^quote from here]

Damn bitch we see it! get a damn eye contact!