Wheatley LED flashlight
Franchise: Portal
Original release date: N/A
Manufacturer: ThinkGeek
Source: eBay
Price i got it for: $30(AUD)
other: cuckball.
this was such an insane ebay score that i still think about how lucky i was for it to this day. not only are these extremely rare and hard to find under $200, it also came with a soft companion cube keychain, which is also quite rare, so these things only being 30 dollars combined is kind of crazy.

since he's a flashlight, and also an extremely old product, when i opened up his battery compartment the batteries in there were pratically melted in battery acid, but somehow his electronics still worked pretty well. the light was extremely vibrant at some point, now it only emits a faint glow, which is to expected, but for it to work at all was a bit of a surprise.

the light is also very unpredictable. sometimes it works, sometimes it refuses to turn on for months before randomly functioning again. just like wheatley himself i guess. little bit funny.

even though he's a keychain, his "body" is a bit too heavy to stay upright without rolling over, so he's in my display cabinet instead of on my corkboard, mostly because he looks really really depressed like that, and i like to have him hang out with my tiny hal 9000 figure.

i hope to get more portal merch in the future, but the fact i own this and his 13 inch plushie is enough to keep me satisfied i'd say.