Magnatron MT-2
Franchise: N/A
Original release date: 1984
Manufacturer: New Bright
Source: Local Thrift Store
Price i got it for: $50(AUD)
other: used to have a yellow belt, but it fell apart. sad!
my first proper vintage figure! picked this guy up at a weird little store that wasn't even really a store - but it still had things for sale regardless.

super obsessed with this guy. he's huuuuge, measuring about 15cm tall. he blows smoke out of his mouth when you pour a little bit of water in a compartment in his head and he can walk and move his arms. he can also "shoot" his little gun.

his electronics are a bit fucked though, would be an easy fix, although he's not going to do much moving in my display cabinet.

there's a bit of paint wear on his metal bits, but that's to be expected with how old this guy is. i think it gives him charm, you know that well loved garfield plush that was going around a few months ago? it's kind of like that to me.

while mint in box figures are all fun and games, and worth a lot more, i'm someone who doesn't see myself selling any of the things i collect, even if i grow out of the things i'm into, it's a good reminder of the person i once was at the time, especially as someone with the worst memory known to man.

however, there are some things i'd be willing to donate to op shops and the like depending on how i feel about the franchise they're from now compared to when i was, say, 14 and getting introduced to fixation fueled impulse purchases. i still do this today obviously, but then i was 14, and the things i liked then weren't as good as they are now, because of brain development or something like that.

but those figures are likely just going to stay in a box in my closet forever. go there. go in the dark.

i plan to try to collect more vintage robot figures when i can, a lot of them are really really cute and display extremely nicely. not too fond of that impending price tag though, knowing that these things tend to go for over 100 dollars if you don't have good ebay luck. i do though. sometimes.