The Monarch - Mego Doll
Franchise: The Venture Bros
Original release date: 2010
Manufacturer: Bif Bang Pow!
Source: eBay
Price i got it for: $150(AUD)
Other: poor thing's got the 10+ year old pleather curse

knew i had to get this guy the moment i knew he existed. however every single one i found until last month was absurdly pricey. i'm not even joking when i say this is the cheapest one i could find.

he's one of my favourite figures in my entire collection. i've always loved the design of old mego dolls, and the vbros line replicates them so faithfully.

i've only got him and rusty so far, but if i can find a dr girlfriend mego for a decent price i'll absolutely be adding her to my collection.

similar to his 3" 3/4 inch scale figure, he's got that cute purple eyeliner. one thing i've noticed is that he has a much more defined face compared to rusty in this line of vbros figures, and this absolutely adds to it.

he also comes with poseable wings. i keep them flattened while displaying him though, as they take up sooooo much room. it's pretty in character for monarch as well, as he only really has his wings out like that when he's deep in one of his "i will get you dr venture!" monologues. or when he's flying, obviously. otherwise, they hang down his back like a cape.

did you know? in the show itself, he has two sets of wings. "-one for showing and one for going!" as he likes to call them, which is pretty self explanatory in itself.

his wings are a bit chipped at the corners, but considering i keep them folded, it doesn't really matter to me. i'm just happy to finally Have one of these things in my house after months of searching for one at a decent price. (in the venture bros merch scene anyways)

unfortunately, despite every other aspect of this figure being in extremely good condition, his pleather boots had begun flaking and it only got worse as he had to endure getting tortured in a shipping container for up to 3 to 6 weeks.

they're probably still flaking as we speak, but such is life for a figure with the pleather curse.

maybe in the future i will "repair" them [scrape off all of the pleather and paint over the base material with a more richer yellow] but for now i think he's fine as he is.

it kind of gives him that "really old figure in the toybox from your dad's childhood that he refuses to throw out" charm that fits extremely well with the 50s - 60s cartoons that venture bros is built off of.

pretty much every other mego doll i've seen of him has pleather damage due to these things being over a decade old, even if they're still in their boxes.