Rusty Venture - Mego Doll
Franchise: The Venture Bros
Original release date: 2010
Manufacturer: Bif Bang Pow!
Source: eBay
Price i got it for: $150(AUD)
other: too bald. Why
this fucking guy. he's the second bit of vbros merch i ordered after my monarch mini figure.

venture bros mego dolls are so hard to find under $200aud, so this was a crazy score for me. thank you money i got from my friends commissioning me.

rusty's generally one of the more common megos next to phantom limb listed on ebay from what i've observed, which is really funny. boo we hate your pussy. he's also one of the more affordable ones, despite my previous comments made on his price tag.

even if you can't get him, he's got two easy to find other figures that are much cheaper, like his 3/4th scale figure, and his kidrobot vinyl figure.

he's pretty easy to balance, but the best way to get him to stand up is by giving him his canonical shitty posture, like god intended i guess. he's also suuuuper articulated, with about 14 points, so you can make him sit down in a gay little pose if you want, which i have done a couple of times.

he's like my humonculus who i don't like very much but i keep him around anyways and when i see him the phrase "The Bald One is Here" repeats in my mind.

he didn't come with his original box, but i did get a bit of the packaging for it, displayed behind him. makes for a good backdrop for my vbros shelf.