Beautifly Pokemon FIT plush
Franchise: Pokemon
Original release date: N/A
Manufacturer: Pokemon Center
Source: Pokemon Center
Price i got it for: $22(AUD)
other: people with blue eyes when you look at them:

shout out to beautifly for sweeping the early game like crazy in my current alpha sapphire replay, especially with its flying + grass type moves completely obliterating the fighting type gym and all of the water type trainers in the area.

this pokemon has quickly become one of my favourites, for obvious reasons, so i grabbed this guy as soon as i had enough money on me. these guys are also really funny to me because of how much of a hater they can be. they love attacking you in pokemon legends arceus.

the pokemon center ships things to australia much quicker than i expected, and i'll definetely be buying more funny little beasts from them when i feel that impulse purchase craving, which is pretty often.