Original release date: N/A
Manufacturer: Glitchgear
Source: Glitchgear
Price i got it for: $160(AUD)
other: cuckball. hes bigger this time.

oh my god do i have things to say about this one. this specific plush was near impossible to find literally anywhere under an absurd amount of money, like i'm so serious i spent so long scouring ebay for one that was decently priced.
and finally, after years of waiting glitchgear rereleased him. and i literally bought him almost immediately after hearing the news, i was right in the middle of class at the time, and by the time it ended he was sold out again. really funny because i was going to wait till i got home to buy him. something something trust your intuition.
he got restocked again a few days after that, and he's currently in right now [as of 24/2/25] so if you're a portal fan and have been waiting as long as i have, i'd suggest grabbing one while you can.

it is kind of a shame that it took so many years for this restock, but patience is key or whatever. the wait definetely paid off for me, as i was at the height of my portal autism at the time and i felt crazy. such is life for someone who keeps on getting really invested in things that are over a decade old and have long since been at their peak popularity.
Anyways. he's really really soft, and his huge size makes him work well as a weird round pillow. very fond of how detailed the embroidery work is on him. he's the one plushie i always keep on my bed.
i still want to punt him to the moon really badly.